Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Ticket Seller, and where are you from?
Ticket Seller is a 'ticket agent'. We sell event tickets on behalf of groups and individuals who are presenting shows. Ticket Seller was formed in 2001 by the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society with support from the Regional District of the North Okanagan, the City of Vernon, and the District of Coldstream, to ensure that the patrons of The Centre have easy access to their ticket purchases. Ticket Seller is an entirely North Okanagan venture, and all Ticket Seller staff live in the North Okanagan.
I know you sell tickets for the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre, but what other tickets do you sell?
As the 'exclusive ticket agent' for the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre, we sell tickets for all the events at the Centre's Main Auditorium, and the Marie Fleming Hall. We are also the ticket agent for the Powerhouse Theatre, and have provided ticketing services for events at Kal Tire Place, Vernon Recreation Centre, O'Keefe Ranch, Schubert Centre, Mackie Lake House, Caetani House, Sparkling Hill Resort, as well as numerous hotels, churches and other venues in the North Okanagan.
Where are you located?
We are located in the front foyer of the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre - 3800 33rd Street, at the North end of the Rec Centre Complex. There is plenty of free parking and wheelchair access.
Are members' discounts and other offers available if I buy my tickets on-line?
For the most part, discounts are not available online. The exceptions are Pre-Sale codes issued by the promoters of events - you will find a spot to enter these codes (if applicable) on the first page you encounter after clicking "Buy Tickets Now". Other discounts may be accessed by calling the Ticket Teller Box Office or by visiting the Box Office in person.
When I call, I keep getting a recorded message that you are with other customers.
We tend to suffer from being either 'crazy busy' or 'crazy slow'. We find that mornings are often our most busy time; you almost always get through your first time if you call in the afternoons. We try to answer every call as quickly as we can without compromising the service we offer all our ticket buying patrons, both in person and on the phone.
Can I order my tickets over the phone or the internet?
Yes - as long as you have a valid Visa or MasterCard we will be happy to take your order.
Can the tickets be mailed out to me?
We would be pleased to mail your tickets out to you, as long as we have more than one week prior to the event to ensure that we get your tickets to you in time - a $2.00 ticket mailing fee will be added to the cost of your order. If, however, for any reason the tickets fail to arrive in your mailbox in time for the event, we will be happy to reprint your tickets at the event box office at no charge.
If I order my tickets over the phone or on the website, how will I get them for the show?
If the event you are purchasing tickets for is at the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre, you will usually given the option to print your tickets at home - your print-at-home ticket will feature a barcode or a QR code which is then scanned when your arrive. (*a few events at the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre do not offer the print-at-home option, as a printed ticket and stub are required for a door prize or other value-added feature) If you order your tickets for an event at the over the phone or on the website and you neither wish to print them at home nor have them mailed, we are happy to hold your tickets for you until the day of the event, or until you come in to pick them up prior to the event.
If the tickets you order are for a venue other than the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre, you will usually need printed tickets. We are happy to hold your tickets until just prior to your event, or you can pick them up ahead of time - whichever works best for you. Some organizers do not have the opportunity to come to our office to collect the physical, printed tickets
Our box office opens one hour prior to the advertised start time of the event, and is open until one half hour after the event has started. If you prefer however, you may pick up your tickets at any time during our regular office hours, (weekdays 9:30 am till 5:00 pm, Saturdays 12:00 pm till 4:00 pm) and avoid the possible line up the night of the show.
Will it cost me more for a phone order or online order?
Funny you should ask. Unlike other ticket agents, we do not charge an additional service charge for phone orders or web sales.
When I have bought tickets from other ticket outlets, they have added up to $12 or more per ticket to my credit card, as a 'service charge' - do you do that too?
We are proud to say that we don't, and we never have. We know how much you hate hearing about a show advertised at a " $38 " ticket price and then being charged " $50 " to buy the ticket. We think this is unfair to you, the patron, and we discourage the practice at every opportunity. We encourage the organizers of all the events we provide ticketing services for to include all taxes and service charges in their advertised price, however ultimately this is out of our control. Occasionally a poster or advertisement will be published with the "pre-fees" price, which we know can be frustrating and misleading. However, the price you see on the Ticket Seller webpage will be the price you pay (unless you choose to have the tickets mailed, in which case the $2.00 mailing fee is added, to cover the cost of the paper and the stamp).
What payment methods are accepted by the Ticket Seller?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit, Ticket Seller Gift Certificates, and good-old-fashioned cash. - Sorry no cheques (*we do accept cheques for season renewals - please ask the box office staff for more details)
Ticket Seller Gift Certificates? - tell me more about that!
Stumped for the perfect gift? A Ticket Seller Gift Certificate may be the perfect solution. Gift Certificates are available in $20 and $50 denominations, are valid as payment for any purchases made through Ticket Seller, and do not have an expiry date. *Please note that we currently can only accept Ticket Seller Gift Certificates as payment in person - they cannot be redeemed over the phone nor on online.
Why do I have to set up a ticket account?
Your ticket account helps us provide the best possible service to you. If you are making your purchase using a credit card, financial institutions require us to have the mailing address that matches your credit card statement. Your account also allows us to have access to your special needs, preferences, and contact information. Should there be a problem with your tickets, we can reach you to solve the problem prior to your arrival. Should your tickets be lost, stolen or forgotten, we can replace them for you if you have a ticket account with us. As you will read below, your information is secure and will not be sold or distributed.
What happens to the information that I supply for my ticket account?
Under Canadian privacy laws, we are in fact collecting the information on behalf of the show's producer, and the information belongs to that group. While they may use that information to contact you about another upcoming event that they are producing, it is illegal for them to sell or distribute that list beyond their own use.
Will you sell my ticket account information?
It is illegal for us, or anyone else, to sell your account information. It is completely secure and never shared, distributed nor sold to anyone.
What happens if I lose my tickets?
Since we have your ticket account information on file, we can reprint your tickets for you and there is no charge for this service. After all, you have paid to see a show, not for a little green piece of paper. We believe that any ticket agency that will not replace lost or stolen tickets is doing a great disservice to their patrons.
What happens if I break my leg, after I purchase tickets for balcony seats?
Give us a call, and we will do what we can to move you to the available seats with the fewest possible stairs. While this is not always possible for a sold out show, you will be amazed at what we can do!
If a show is running for more than one night, can I exchange my tickets to a different night?
As long as the show's producer allows it, we will be happy to exchange your tickets for a different night of the same event, provided there is availability. You may have to pay a small amount if there is a price difference between the tickets, but other than that this service is offered free of charge.
If something unexpected comes up, can I get a refund on my tickets?
Unfortunately no. However event tickets do make excellent gifts, or you may be able to resell the tickets to a friend. For Sold-Out events, we frequently have Wait Lists - call the box office and let them know you have tickets you can no longer use, and we will do our best to connect you to patrons who are looking for tickets. Your name and contact number would be given to the patron hoping to purchase your tickets - it becomes a private transaction between you. We offer this free service as a courtesy to our patrons.
What happens if a show cancels?
Events don't often outright cancel but if it does happen we will refund your tickets in full, on behalf of the event's organizer.
Is there an easy way to find out about upcoming events?
Yes - our Ticket Seller Email Newsletter can be sent directly to your inbox every two weeks. This Newsletter lets you know about upcoming events, and specials and features direct links to every event. You can sign up for this newsletter when you create your account, afterwards by logging into your account and signing up, or by contacting our Ticket Seller staff at 549-SHOW. We're always happy to help.
That sounds great, but I don't want to receive lots of 'spam'; what will you do with my email address?
No spam - we promise!! - your email address will be used exclusively for the Ticket Seller's Email Newsletter - never shared, sold or spammed.
If I do sign up for the email newsletter and decide that I no longer want to receive updates, can I get off the list?
Of course! Just reply to the email with 'remove from list' in the subject line, or call the Ticket Seller staff.
I see buttons and logos for 'Members' Discounts' - what is that all about?
This is an offer exclusive to members of the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society. Members receive discounts on shows presented by the Society. For more information on Society Membership, follow this link (click here) or call the box office. We'll be happy to explain the benefits to you.
If I have an event, would you sell tickets for me?
We would be delighted to talk about providing ticketing services for you. Please call our the Box Office at 250 549-SHOW and we'll be happy to go over your options.
What do you charge to sell the tickets?
In general, we charge just $4 per ticket plus a 3% credit card recovery on tickets bought with Visa, MasterCard, or Ticket Seller Gift Certificates (there is a $0.15 per ticket charge for debit transactions). (Other ticket agents charge up to $12 in service charges to the patron, and may also charge credit card recovery fees (in some cases up to 5%), set up fees, and percentage of gross. )
Do you offer a 'ticket printing' service?
We certainly do, and would be happy to we'll go over the options with you. Just call the Box Office at 250 549-SHOW
Dinner and a Show