About Us

Ticket Seller is Vernon's home grown full service box office. We provide the tools you need to make your next event a success. Community focused and not-for-profit, our infrastructure includes 24/7 online ticket sales, informative and friendly ticket agents available six days per week by phone or in person.
The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society are the owners of the Ticket Seller Box Office, and was formed July 3rd 1990 with the following set of guiding purposes:
- To promote the building of a performing arts centre for Vernon and district;
- To raise funds by way of public subscription, the obtaining of grants and financial assistance, and all such means as may be required to finance the construction and operation of such a performing arts centre;
- To build, maintain and operate such a performing arts centre located within the City of Vernon, and serving the population of the Greater Vernon Parks and Recreation District; and
- To foster the appreciation and enjoyment of, and the participation in, the full range of performing arts in Vernon, and district.
We are a registered Not-For-Profit Society Provincially, and a Federal Registered Charity.
Construction of the Performing Arts Centre went to referendum on November 20th 1999 and was passed by a "yes vote" of 58.5%.
Construction of the facility was led by Vancouver based TASK construction. With architectural work provided by T R Thorburn Architect Ltd and Theatre Consultation provided by Doug Huggins, both of Vernon.
Construction was budgeted at $9,754,000.00 and the project finished on time and strongly under budget. The outdoor amphitheatre was the only element of the design eliminated through the construction process. The department of Fisheries and Oceans ruled that this element infringed on the natural habitat of Swan Lake Creek.
Michael Cade was hired April 1st 2001 as the Society's first Executive Director. Construction of the Centre was completed in October of 2001.
The guiding purposes for the Society were revised on December 19th, 2002, and currently state:
- The Vernon and district Performing Arts Centre Society is a not-for-profit organization devoted to fostering live entertainment in all its forms. Its purpose is to operate a Community Theatre situated within the city of Vernon and serving the population of the North Okanagan Regional district.
The Regional district of the North Okanagan, through the Greater Vernon Services Commission, owns the facility. (GVS is comprised of the Corporation of the City of Vernon, the District of Coldstream, and Electoral Areas B and C)
The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society operates the Centre under the terms of a "Management and Operating Agreement" with the Regional District. The Society is made up of a membership, with up to 15 elected and appointed board members. The Board consists of the following executive positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Past President
The Executive Director is directly responsible to the Society's Board.
The Staff of the Performing Arts Centre and the Ticket Seller is directly responsible to the Executive Director. Members of the Society's Board do not have direct access to the Staff, other than the Executive Director.